Carlos' dance classes are dynamic and energetic and explore a variety of movements, rhythms and technics specific to traditional Mozambican dances.
In next workshop we will learn Xigubo dance and Afro-swing, which is a mix between swing dances from the 1930s and traditional Mozambican dances.
Carlos Machava is a dancer of the National Dance and Singing Company of Mozambique and the Hodi Maputo Afroswing Dance Company. He dances and teaches traditional dances of Mozambique, Afroswing and other pandzula dances, Afro House.
ADEM Montbrillant - 10, rue Montbrillant - 1201 Genève
TIMETABLE : coming soon
40 fr/1 class ; 60 fr 2 classes /ADEM members : 35fr 1 class ; 50fr/ 2 classes
Email :
Tél. 076 799 37 98
Sankoum Cissokho
The traditional kora belongs to the African harp family off Mandinka origin. Its resonance box consists of cow skin stretched over a half gourd. 21 strings made of animal innards are attached to a long stick that stretches the length of this gourd.
PROCHAINES DATES : 26 et 27 octobre, 16 et 17 novembre, 14 et 15 décembre 2024 / 18 et 19 janvier, 15 et 16 février, 15 et 16 mars, 12 et 13 avril, 10 et 11 mai, 14 et 15 juin 2025
Aïcha Redouane
Aïcha Redouane’s songs express the spiritual development of a path of love and light.