Fr 6 December 2019 | 21:00 | AMR - Sud des Alpes
Life-long friends Paul Grant and Djamshid Chemirani are two of the most respected representatives of Persian music in Europe. They invite us on a musical journey through Iran, Afghanistan and North India, with strings and percussion. Experience the soundscapes of the traditions that inspire them, as well as their rare musical bond.
Djamshid Chemirani : zarb
Paul Grant : santûr persan & kashmiri, tânbur afghan, sitar, tabla
Fr 6 December 2019 | 21:00
Online ticketsFEES :
Full price : 20.-
Reduced price : Adhérents ADEM et AMR, étudiants, apprentis, chômeurs, AVS : 15.-
20 ans/20 francs card : 12.-
T : +41 (0) 22 716 56 30
Online tickets :
AMR, 10 rue des Alpes
More infos :
Shahab Eghbali
While the Daf is a large, framed drum, used to accompany Iran’s Kurdish music, it is also widely played across the Middle East and in Central Asia.
Fr 1 November 2019 | 21:00 | AMR - Sud des Alpes