Fr 30 October 2020 | 19:00 | Alhambra
The Gibraltar Straight glistens like a mirror. The Mediterranean and the Atlantic are reflected in it, at the juncture of Europe and Africa. In this singular region two great traditions have flourished: flamenco to the north and Arabic-North African music in the south.
The programme for this show emerges from a sequence of tableaux that lets us experience the gradual meeting of these cultures. Traditional music, creations and improvisations combine and immerse the listener in a universe rich with sounds and colours. Each stage holds its own atmosphere, which gives nuance to the timbres of voice and the instruments, such as the diverse musical modes (maqâm): joy, gravitas, solitude, sensuality… the two banks of the straight observe each other, draw closer and fuse, mixing their own histories thanks to poetry, music and dance.
Through the rhythms and melodies, this troupe of artists brought together by Marc Loopuyt establishes a dialogue between the repertoires: the ‘deep and light’ (jondo y chico) flamenco, Arab-Andalusian (al-alà), popular Maghrebin (chaâbi et aïta), Eastern (baladi et quoudoud) and Moorish traditions. Plenty of dreamscapes and get away spaces.
Direction artistique : Marc LOOPUYT
Marc Loopuyt : oud, guitare flamenca
Thomas Loopuyt : rebâb, oud
Nacer Hamzaoui : chant arabo-andalou et kouitra
Lorenzo Ruiz : chant flamenco
Yacine Sbay: percussions
Laura Clemente : danse flamenco
Seline : danse orientale
Anouch Donabedian : kamânche
Fr 30 October 2020 | 19:00
Online ticketsPLACE :
Alhambra, 10 rue de la Rôtisserie - Genève
Full price : 25 CHF
Reduced price* : 18 CHF
Carte 20 ans/20 francs : 15 CHF
* membres ADEM, AMR, SAMEG, Barbier-Mueller, professionnels, étudiants, apprentis, AVS/AI, chômeurs, carte côté Courrier
Service culturel Migros, 9, rue du Commerce, Genève (lu-ve, 10h-18h),
Stand Info Balexert
Kiosque culturel de l’ONU
On the spot, 1h before the beginning of the show
T : +41 (0) 22 919 04 94
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