Sa 16 November 2019 | 16:00 | Alhambra
Enigmatic and cinematic, Meïkhâneh pushes boundaries with compositions fed by imagination, improvisation and the music of Europe, Mongolia and Iran. The concert also features a poetic mapping component.
The images draw their inspiration from the songs, and a female figure with long hair, whose body becomes the landscapes and harbour of stories: the steppe where horses gallop, the storm that birds traverse, the earth where grains grow, the mountain hollowed out by mines, the egg that houses a heart. La Silenciesue is an allegory open to nature, music and the imagination.
In this interior journey, the trio invites the younger public to the heart of its ideas from its last album : the wonder of nature; its magnificent countrysides; its miniscule details; lived and dreamed adventures. A show that mirrors a forest – calm and abundant, evident and mysterious, where the songs of water, wind and earth sing out.
Spectacle créé le 31 octobre 2019 dans le Grand Auditorium du Musée des Confluences à Lyon,
dans le cadre des 10 ans de Meïkhâneh (2009-2019).
D’après une idée originale de Johanni Curtet
Production : Cas Particuliers
Aide publique : Ville de Rennes – Salle Guy Ropartz - ADAMI - SPEDIDAM
Coproduction : La Grande Boutique – Centre de création en kreiz breizh, Musée des Confluences
Sa 16 November 2019 | 16:00
Service culturel Migros Genève
Stand Info Balexert
Migros Nyon-La Combe
Alhambra box office, 1h30 before the concert
Adults : CHF 20.-
Children : CHF 12.-
20 ans/20 francs card : CHF 10.-
T : +41 (0) 22 919 04 94
10 Rue de la Rôtisserie - Genève
Sa 16 November 2019 | 20:30 | Alhambra
Su 17 November 2019 | 17:00 | Temple Saint-Gervais
Fr 15 November 2019 | 20:30 | Alhambra
Fr 15 November 2019 | 20:30 | Alhambra