Sa 7 November 2020 | 19:00 | Alhambra
The traditional music and dance of Hungary are gems in the crown of Eastern Europe’s patrimony. Once intimately linked to the village word, where they marked the passages of everyday life, they have, little by little, left the countryside behind. Today, the tradition mainly continues and evolves in larger towns. Children, the young and the less young are enthusiastically rediscovering this artistic treasure, rich with its incredible potential for personal and collective expression. Traditional dance and music are still taught to the general public and are practised during dances to live music (táncház). They accompany marriages, baptisms and diverse festivities – official or more intimate.
Under the stewardships of Jozsef Trefeli, the dancers of the Pannonia troupe are accompanied by five musicians from the Felvono group, their long-term collaborators. Together they take us on a vast tour through Hungary and its neighbouring countries. From one village to another, as much composed as improvised, the music and dances of the Carpathian Basin parade before you. Welcome to the dance!
Cie Pannónia (direction artistique : Jozsef Trefeli)
Turai András et Nángó Ensemble
Sa 7 November 2020 | 19:00
Online ticketsPLACE :
Alhambra, 10 rue de la Rôtisserie - Genève
Full price : 25 CHF
Reduced price* : 18 CHF
Carte 20 ans/20 francs : 15 CHF
* membres ADEM, AMR, SAMEG, Barbier-Mueller, professionnels, étudiants, apprentis, AVS/AI, chômeurs, carte côté Courrier
Service culturel Migros, 9, rue du Commerce, Genève (lu-ve, 10h-18h),
Stand Info Balexert
Kiosque culturel de l’ONU
On the spot, 1h before the beginning of the show
T : +41 (0) 22 919 04 94
Attention : en raison des nouvelles mesures sanitaires