

Fr 30 April 2021 | 20:30 | AMR - Sud des Alpes

Ensemble Tarab

Orients revisités – Musique et danse

Tarab: this word of Arabic origin evokes the intense emotion, tinged with ecstasy and nostalgia, that performers and spectators can experience when sharing inspired music ...

The Tarab ensemble is made up of four musicians and a dancer from very diverse backgrounds, but united by a common desire to develop an aesthetic language that is both innovative and respectful of traditions. Its repertoire is inspired by music and dances from India, Afghanistan, the Arab-Turkish East and the Balkans, with some nods to the world of jazz and African-American music. A moment of intimacy and verve which alternates original compositions of the members of the group and modal improvisations cultivating a great rhythmic diversity.


Laurent Aubert : rubab, dutar, oud, lavta
Philippe Koller : violon

Ludovic Ottiger : tombak, daf, udu, murshang, alghoza
None : bendir, riqq, kanjira, darbuka
Maya Quiminal : danse


Fr 30 April 2021 | 20:30

Online tickets


Gratuit . participation libre.  réservation via la billetterie en ligne de l'AMR
Priorité sera donnée aux 50 premiers inscrits (1 billet maximum par personne merci)


Le concert sera radiodiffusé prochainement dans le cadre de l'émission ZANZIBAR sur RTS-Espace 2

T : +41 (0) 22 716 56 30


jauge : 50 personnes maximum
masque obligatoire
pas d'entracte, pas de bar

See also