

Fr 9 October 2020 | 21:00 | AMR-Sud des Alpes, Genève

Duo Pittau-Albertoni

Polyphonic songs from Italia and Sardinia

Marina Pittau, singer, guitarist and composer of Sardinian origin, and Lucia Albertoni, singer, songwriter of Italian-Ticino origin, form since 1982 a duet singing the oral tradition of Italy and Sardinia. Their album "A distempus" was crowned in France by the label "Choc du Monde de la musique". After taking different paths, they return to the stage, and narrate their journeys where two destinies intersect. Their songs celebrate birth, death, separation, revolt, love ... as many moments of life that they animate with verve and poetry. The duo invites you on a musical journey, woven with sounds from other times as well as original compositions, where humor meets sweet nostalgia.



Marina Pittau : chant, guitare et guimbarde

Lucia Albertoni : chant, percussions 


Fr 9 October 2020 | 21:00

Online tickets


Full price : 20.-

Reduced price : Adhérents ADEM et AMR, étudiants, apprentis, chômeurs, AVS : 15.-

Carte 20 ans/20 francs : 12.-

T : +41 (0) 22 919 04 94

See also