Lakshmy Natarajan
Carnatic music is considered one of the most ancient music systems in the world. It is a learned music that is full of emotion and involves a lot of improvisation.
Meera - Fanny Marquet
This course proposes to discover with your family the kathak dance and the culture of North India. Between dances and tales, you will learn to know Ganesh, the elephant-headed god or Krishna, the young cowherd who plays the flute. You will become even more skilful with your hands with games of mudras (codified hand gestures) and learn to count in Hindi! Travel guaranteed!
Dimitar Bogdanov
The specific rhythms including asymmetrical measures (5/8, 7/8. 9/8, etc.) and the variety of melodies and dances appeal to the diverse audience.
Gladys Ybargüen
Peruvian dance is the result of several vibrant cultural encounters; Incan, Spanish and African traditions have all combined and this melange has ripened over the centuries.