
First part | double concert

Th 27 February 2020 | 19:30 | MEG

Ilkka Heinonen

Audaces Finlandaises

Ilkka Heinonen is at the source of the renaissance of the jouhikko or bowed lyre. This very old instrument, practiced in Finland and Karelia, enchants with the magic of its timbre. The great difficulty of this instrument is apparent, but Ilkka knows how to tame it with a disconcerting mastery. He displays true prowess and plays all styles, seamlessly moving from ditties and traditional dances to the baroque repertoire and fascinating improvisations. The jouhikko was on the point of disappearance, yet Ilkka seems to have saved it by making a rich and audacious musical world spring forth from its three strings.

Ilkka Heinonen : jouhikko (lyre)


lkka Heinonen is a musician and composer based in Helsinki, and an internationally recognised virtuoso on the Finnish bowed lyre or jouhikko. He is also a renowned double bassist. His remarkable versatility expresses itself in the field of traditional music, folk, contemporary, jazz and dance.


 Ilkka Heinonen et Maija Kauhanen come together at the end of the concert to play as a duo – a world first!





Th 27 February 2020 | 19:30

Online tickets


Service culturel Migros Genève
Stand Info Balexert
Migros Nyon-La Combe

On the spot, 1 heure before the concert




Full price : 25.-

Reduced price : Adhérents ADEM, AMR, SAMEG, Barbier-Mueller, ONU, professionnels, étudiants, apprentis, chômeurs, AVS/AI, carte côté Courrier : 20.-

20 ans/20 francs card holders : 15.-

T : +41 (0) 22 919 04 94


10, rue de la Rôtisserie, Genève

FOOD & DRINKS           
Saveurs du Monde


Concert recorded by Espace 2


Download the Concert program Notes : Audaces Finlandaises

See also